The Spaced everything plugin is an innovative Obsidian plugin that enables users to apply spaced repetition algorithms to every note in their vault. This plugin is inspired by Andy Matuschak's notes on spaced writing practice, which uses the SuperMemo-2.0 algorithm to decide what note to review next. With this plugin, users can tag each note with different contexts, such as work or personal, and apply custom spacing algorithms to tailor their learning experience. The plugin also allows for customization of the review process, including adding or deleting options and changing their numeric values. Additionally, users can pull up the next note in their review queue at any time, capture sudden thoughts and onboard them into the spaced writing practice, and toggle note contexts to filter down which notes to include in the review queue. This plugin provides a comprehensive spaced writing practice solution that can help users efficiently review and retain information.
Refactor how frontmatter property updates are handled to fix a race condition when using Capture Thought feature when multiple Contexts are defined in the settings