  • 1.
    3 years ago by Thomas Herden
    Score: 59/100
    The Packrat plugin helps manage completed recurring tasks within an Obsidian vault by automatically organizing them based on user-defined triggers. It offers three actions for completed tasks: moving them to the bottom of the current note, archiving them in a separate file, or deleting them. The plugin allows users to configure custom triggers, such as tags, emojis, or text strings, to specify the desired action. It enhances task management by keeping notes clutter-free and ensuring important records are archived efficiently.
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  • 2.
    Note archiver
    2 years ago by thenomadlad
    Score: 18/100
    The Note archiver plugin helps keep your Obsidian workspace organized by providing an easy way to move notes to an archive folder. Users can archive files via a command, editor menu, or file menu button. The plugin allows customization of the archive location and can organize files by grouping them based on the year or month of archiving. This is particularly useful for managing outdated or less frequently used notes, keeping your workspace clean and efficient.
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