  • 1.
    Smart Connections
    2 years ago by Brian Petro
    Score: 73/100
    Category: Note Enhancements
    Obsidian Smart Connections Plugin Summary The Obsidian Smart Connections plugin enables users to find similar notes in their vault by analyzing note embeddings. This plugin allows users to discover connections between related ideas, concepts, and topics across their notes. Key Features: * Finds similar notes based on cosine similarity of note embeddings * Displays the most similar notes first in the Smart Connections Pane (sidebar) * Excludes files and folders from search using file/folder exclusions settings * Excludes headings from blocks using heading exclusions setting * Shows full path or just file name in the Smart Connections Pane Settings: * File Exclusions: enter comma-separated list of file names to exclude * Folder Exclusions: enter comma-separated list of folder names to exclude * Heading Exclusions: enter comma-separated list of headings to exclude * Show Full Path: toggle to show full path or just file name in the Smart Connections Pane Error Handling: * If an error occurs, please open an issue on the GitHub repository Developing Add-ons: * Coming soon: use Smart Connections in your plugin * Note: this feature is currently in beta. Create a GitHub issue if you want to learn how to use the beta version of this feature
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