  • 1.
    Word Splitting for Simplified Chinese in Edit Mode and Vim Mode
    4 months ago by AidenLx
    Score: 53/100
    Category: Coding & Technical Tools
    The Word Splitting for Simplified Chinese in Edit Mode and Vim Mode plugin is a game-changer for Obsidian users who work with Simplified Chinese text. This plugin enhances the built-in CodeMirror Editor by allowing word splitting in both edit mode and Vim mode, making it easier to select and manipulate Chinese characters. With this plugin, you can double-click on a Chinese character to select the entire word, and even use Vim commands to move the cursor between words. The plugin also supports system-built-in word splitting engine, which provides more accurate results than the default Obsidian editor. Overall, this plugin is a must-have for anyone who frequently works with Simplified Chinese text in Obsidian.
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  • 2.
    Code Editor Shortcuts
    4 months ago by Tim Hor
    Score: 43/100
    Category: Coding & Technical Tools
    The Code Editor Shortcuts plugin brings the familiar keyboard shortcuts from code editors like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text to Obsidian. With this plugin, you can insert lines above and below, delete lines, duplicate lines, copy lines up and down, join lines, select lines, add cursors to selection ends, and more. The plugin also supports multiple cursors for most actions, making it easy to work with complex selections. You can customize the keyboard shortcuts in the settings panel and even configure auto-insertion of list prefixes when inserting new lines. With its extensive feature set and customizable hotkeys, this plugin is a must-have for any Obsidian user who wants to boost their productivity.
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  • 3.
    Cursor Bridge
    2 months ago by Adam Cloud
    Score: 30/100
    Category: Coding & Technical Tools
    The Cursor Bridge plugin connects Obsidian with Cursor, an AI-powered code editor, offering a powerful way for developers to integrate coding workflows into their note-taking environment. With a single click, you can open notes or entire folders in Cursor, enabling seamless transitions between research in Obsidian and code editing in Cursor. For those managing coding projects or frequently referencing code snippets within notes, this plugin can save time and streamline the development process. The plugin also supports customizable settings, like setting a default project path and configuring window behavior, allowing users to tailor it to their needs. With AI-assisted coding at your fingertips, Cursor Bridge enhances productivity and makes it easier to turn ideas into actionable code.
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