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    React Components
    4 months ago by Elias Sundqvist
    Score: 23/100
    Category: Coding & Technical Tools
    It looks like I have a blog post about Obsidian plugins, specifically focusing on React components that were released recently. The title of the blog post is likely to be "Obsidian React Components: A Week in Review" or something similar. The content will discuss the new features and updates in the Obsidian React Components plugin, highlighting the different components that have been added, updated, or improved. Some of the key points that I would cover in this blog post include: * The basic functionality of the plugin, which allows users to write JSX code in their Obsidian notes * The various examples of components that can be created using this plugin, such as a Counter component, a Clock component, and a Dice Roller component * The different ways in which these components can be used, such as embedding them in other notes or creating custom layouts * The benefits of using React components in Obsidian, including improved performance, flexibility, and customization options I would also provide screenshots or demo videos to illustrate how the components work and how they can be customized. Finally, I would include information about the license under which the plugin is released, which is the GNU AGPLv3 license.
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