The Siteswap plugin allows you to visualize juggling patterns using the Siteswap notation. With this plugin, you can render detailed animations of your favorite juggling sequences, complete with customizable settings for pattern, hands, colors, and more. Whether you're a seasoned juggler or just starting out, this plugin provides an immersive way to explore and experiment with different patterns and techniques.
The Timeline plugin enables users to create visually appealing timelines in their Obsidian notes, enhancing the way chronological or event-based information is presented. It supports two tagging formats: simple `timeline` for quick entries and `timeline-labeled` for more structured events with labels such as date, title, and content. Users can customize the timeline’s appearance with predefined classes for line thickness, body spacing, and active colors, which seamlessly integrate with Obsidian's theme. The plugin provides an intuitive way to organize and display historical data, project milestones, or any chronological narrative directly within notes.