  • 1.
    4 months ago by Zsolt Viczian
    Score: 74/100
    Category: Note Enhancements
    The Obsidian Excalidraw Plugin is a powerful tool for sketching and note-taking. It offers a range of features, including custom fonts, pens, and OCR support. Users can import SVG files, convert them into drawings, and edit properties with ease. The plugin also includes a script engine for executing macros and assigning shortcuts. Additionally, it supports QuickAdd, Templater, and Dataview plugins. The ExcalidrawAutomate feature allows users to automate repetitive tasks, such as auto-toggling pens or hardware eraser buttons. With its multilingual support and full drawing file history synchronization, the Obsidian Excalidraw Plugin is a valuable addition to any Obsidian user's toolkit.
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  • 2.
    Obsidian Math+
    3 years ago by Oscar Capraro
    Score: 61/100
    Category: Note Enhancements
    The Obsidian Math+ plugin is a powerful tool for taking math notes quickly and efficiently in Obsidian. With this plugin, you can create math blocks using LaTeX or intuitive equation writing, and then render them with freeform annotations using Excalidraw. The plugin also allows you to customize the appearance of your math blocks, including colors, font sizes, and shortcuts. Additionally, you can save your drawings as SVG files and toggle live preview on and off. With its robust feature set and user-friendly interface, Obsidian Math+ is an excellent choice for anyone who needs to take complex mathematical notes.
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  • 3.
    Excalidraw CN
    a year ago by Korbin Zhao
    Score: 28/100
    Category: Note Enhancements
    支持中文手写的 Excalidraw Obsidian 插件。A Obsidian plugin of Excalidraw supporting Chinese handwrite font.
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