  • 1.
    Obsidian to Flomo
    2 years ago by Xiaoyu Li
    Score: 61/100
    Category: 3rd Party Integrations
    The Obsidian to Flomo plugin allows you to seamlessly integrate your Obsidian notes with Flomo, a powerful note-taking app. This plugin enables you to easily export and import notes between the two platforms, making it simple to sync your thoughts across multiple devices. With this plugin, you can also automate the process of creating new notes in Flomo whenever you make changes to your Obsidian notes, ensuring that your notes are always up-to-date and accessible from anywhere.
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  • 2.
    Flomo Importer
    2 years ago by Jialu Y
    Score: 47/100
    Category: Note Enhancements
    The Flomo Importer plugin is a game-changer for Obsidian users who rely on Flomo memos. This plugin allows you to seamlessly import your Flomo notes into Obsidian, giving you a unified note-taking experience across platforms. With its auto-sync feature, you can keep your notes in sync with minimal effort. Additionally, the plugin offers customization options for target import locations and supports highlighting marks, making it easy to organize your notes. The experimental features of bi-directional links and memo merging by date add an extra layer of functionality to this already impressive plugin. Whether you're looking to streamline your note-taking workflow or expand your Obsidian capabilities, the Flomo Importer is definitely worth checking out.
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