  • 1.
    Habitica Sync
    4 months ago by Leoh and Ran
    Score: 22/100
    Category: 3rd Party Integrations
    The Habitica Sync plugin integrates the Habitica task management system directly into Obsidian, allowing users to view and manage their Habitica tasks, dailies, habits, and rewards from within the Obsidian interface. The plugin provides a dedicated pane accessible via the side ribbon, displaying user stats like health, experience, and coins. Users can view task details such as titles, descriptions, and subtasks with support for markdown and emoji. Interactive features allow users to check off tasks, mark habits as positive or negative, and update task status directly within Obsidian. The plugin supports multiple task views, including active/completed to-dos, due/not-due dailies, and habits. Users must link their Habitica account by entering their User ID and API token in the plugin settings. Additional options allow customization of the view, including toggling the display of task descriptions and subtasks.
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