  • 1.
    Liquid Templates
    4 months ago by Diomede Tripicchio
    Score: 26/100
    Category: Note Enhancements
    The Liquid Templates plugin for Obsidian is a powerful tool that allows you to write your own templates using LiquidJS tags. With this plugin, you can create reusable templates and automate the process of generating notes with common headers, footers, and other elements. The plugin also comes with an autocomplete feature that helps you quickly find and insert template variables. One of the most exciting features of this plugin is its support for custom filters. You can use these filters to manipulate dates and times in your templates, making it easy to create templates that display dates and times in a specific format. For example, you can use the `date` filter to display the current date or yesterday's date. The plugin also includes a range of built-in filters, including `days_ago` and `days_after`, which allow you to easily calculate dates and times relative to the current date. This makes it easy to create templates that display notes from specific periods in the past or future. Overall, the Liquid Templates plugin is a valuable tool for Obsidian users who want to streamline their note-taking process and create reusable templates with ease.
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