  • 1.
    4 months ago by Alex Colucci
    Score: 33/100
    Category: Learning & Knowledge Management
    The Flashcards plugin enables seamless integration of Anki-style flashcards within Obsidian notes. It allows users to create various types of flashcards, including simple, reversed, spaced-only, and inline cards, using intuitive syntax like hashtags or custom delimiters. The plugin also supports cloze deletions with multiple formats for added flexibility. Advanced features include the ability to embed LaTeX formulas, images, audio, and Obsidian URIs within flashcards. It also offers support for context-aware card generation, global and local tags, and syntax highlighting for code blocks. Users can manage their flashcards directly within Obsidian, with the ability to insert, update, and delete cards in sync with Anki. With features like Obsidian note references and image/audio support, this plugin provides a comprehensive solution for spaced repetition learning directly within the Obsidian environment.
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