  • 1.
    Metacopy & URL
    4 months ago by Mara-Li
    Score: 44/100
    The Metacopy & URL plugin enhances the functionality of frontmatter keys and link generation within Obsidian. It allows users to quickly copy the value of specific frontmatter keys from notes into their clipboard. Multiple keys can be specified, and if multiple values are found, users can choose the desired value from a menu. The plugin also facilitates the creation of custom links to files using different methods, such as fixed folder paths, Obsidian paths, or frontmatter keys. Users can generate shareable links for notes, with support for folder note behavior that removes the filename from the URL if it matches the folder name. Integration with Obsidian To Mkdocs allows for seamless link copying. This plugin is ideal for users who frequently reference frontmatter values or need to generate links for use in external documentation or publishing workflows.
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