  • 1.
    2 years ago by Gabriele Cannata
    Score: 60/100
    The Chronology plugin provides a sidebar calendar view that allows users to visualize, browse, and interact with their notes based on creation or modification dates. Users can view notes by day, week, month, or custom date ranges. The timeline visualization highlights when notes were created or modified, and users can opt for a simple list view instead. Notes grouped within the same time slot can be displayed together. The calendar tiles offer visual cues, showing the number of notes created or edited on each day. Clicking on note names opens them, and using Ctrl or Command-click opens notes in a new pane. This plugin also addresses issues with Obsidian Sync by using metadata to correctly identify the actual creation or modification dates of notes.
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  • 2.
    Super Simple Time Tracker
    2 years ago by Ellpeck
    Score: 56/100
    Category: Productivity Tools
    Multi-purpose time trackers for your notes!
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  • 3.
    Focus Time
    a month ago by AstraDev
    Score: 40/100
    The Focus Time plugin tracks the time users spend actively working on individual notes in Obsidian. It automatically monitors focus time for each note, including PDF files, and stops tracking when users switch notes or minimize the app. The plugin features a focus time leaderboard, displaying the top 10 notes with the most focus time, helping users identify their most engaged notes. It supports both light and dark themes and offers localization for English and Simplified Chinese. The plugin aims to provide insight into user productivity, highlighting frequently accessed notes and enabling users to better manage their note-taking efforts over time.
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