The Notification Controller plugin is a game-changer for Obsidian users who struggle with cluttered interfaces. This plugin allows you to automatically remove startup notices after a specified delay, giving you a cleaner and more focused workspace. With its intuitive settings tab, you can customize the plugin to fit your needs. Whether you're dealing with debug notifications or other community plugins' messages, this plugin provides a simple solution to tidy up your Obsidian experience.
The Inbox plugin is a game-changer for Obsidian users who frequently write content using third-party tools and need to quickly process it in their vault. This plugin keeps track of changes made to a designated "inbox" note or folder, alerting you when there's new content waiting to be processed. With customizable settings, you can choose how the plugin compares new content to previous versions, and even set a duration for notifications. Say goodbye to missing important notes and hello to streamlined workflow with the Obsidian Inbox plugin!