  • 1.
    4 months ago by garyng
    Score: 20/100
    Category: Note Enhancements
    The Temple plugin is a powerful templating tool for Obsidian, allowing users to create and customize their own templates using the Nunjucks engine. With this plugin, users can insert new templates into their notes by clicking on a button in the sidebar or via the Command Palette. The plugin also provides several built-in providers, including file, zettel, datetime, and clipboard, which can be used to populate template fields with dynamic data. For example, the `zettel` provider can extract the UID and title from Zettelkasten-style notes, while the `datetime` provider can display the current date and time in various formats. The plugin also includes settings for overriding default locale and timezone, as well as extraction regex for customizing the behavior of the `zettel` provider.
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