  • 1.
    TaskWarrior Task Wiki
    7 months ago by SntTGR
    Score: 51/100
    Category: Task Management
    The TaskWarrior Task Wiki plugin is a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to query and manage your tasks in Obsidian using Markdown syntax. With this plugin, you can create custom reports and templates for your tasks, making it easy to filter and sort them as needed. The plugin also includes features like task deletion with the press of a button and inline editing. Whether you're a seasoned TaskWarrior user or just starting out, this plugin makes it easy to get the most out of your tasks in Obsidian.
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  • 2.
    Ego Rock
    10 months ago by Ashton Eby
    Score: 47/100
    The Ego Rock plugin integrates Taskwarrior with Obsidian, enabling users to view and manage their tasks directly within Obsidian's reading view. By using specialized code blocks like `task-table`, `task-count`, and `task-table-ascii`, users can display task lists, task counts, and ASCII tables, leveraging Taskwarrior's powerful command-line features. The plugin supports custom reports and filter expressions, allowing for a highly customizable task management experience. Additionally, action buttons such as 'refresh' can be added to task reports, providing further interactivity. This plugin streamlines the task management process for users of Taskwarrior, bringing tasks into the Obsidian ecosystem for seamless workflow integration.
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