The Color Palette plugin enables users to design visually appealing and functional color palettes directly within Obsidian. It supports various CSS color formats, such as Hex, RGB, and HSL, and allows palette creation from popular websites like Coolors and ColorHunt. Users can include gradients, assign aliases, and copy color codes effortlessly. Advanced features include generating random palettes based on color theory and converting links or code blocks into usable palettes. The plugin offers customizable settings for palette dimensions, display orientation, and more, making it a versatile tool for enhancing note aesthetics.
The Canvas Picture in Picture plugin enhances Obsidian's Canvas feature by allowing users to float a selected canvas element above the rest of the content. This creates a picture-in-picture experience, enabling users to focus on a specific node while continuing to interact with other parts of the canvas. The floating element is resizable and positioned conveniently in the bottom left corner, making it an ideal tool for multitasking and improving workflow efficiency.
The Limelight plugin enhances the visual experience in Obsidian by spotlighting the active pane, making it more distinguishable from other open panes. This feature helps users focus on their current work area while navigating between multiple notes or panes. It is particularly useful for workflows that involve multitasking or extensive note organization, ensuring clarity and reducing visual clutter in the workspace.